Condensed milk cotton cake. Suka deh sama tipe cake yang lembut kempus-kempus kaya gini, serasa ngga makan cake tapi makan kapas hihihi (lebay😂). All Reviews for Easy Condensed Milk Cake. Easy Condensed Milk Cake. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines.
Only your basic pound cake ingredients are needed for this cake plus a can of sweetened condensed milk. Unfortunately the recipe does not use the. Condensed Milk Cake — Quick, tender and easy cake that will impress at the dinner table or a party without you slaving away in the kitchen. Dengan Memperhatikan Tulisan ini Kalian Dapat membuat Condensed milk cotton cake dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan yang mudah didapat,dengan jumlah bahan sebanyak 8 buah bahan saja, serta kamu bisa melakukannya dengan sederhana, hanya dengan 6 langkah saja. Penasaran?? beginilah prosedur masaknya.
Bahan Yang digunakan untuk membuat Condensed milk cotton cake antara lain:
- Sediakan Bahan pasta.
- Sediakan 4 butir kuning telur.
- Siapkan 60 gr tepung kunci [jangan segitiga].
- Sediakan 40 gr butter [aq margarin].
- Sediakan 60 gr SKM.
- Siapkan Bahan putih telur.
- Sediakan 3 butir putih telur.
- Sediakan 45 gr gula pasir.
Condensed milk cake is definitely one of those desserts that requires minimal ingredients and preparation. This Condensed Milk Cake made me fall in love with condensed milk even more. So this Condensed Milk Cake is quite dense and doesn't rise a great deal - however, it is tremendously rich and you will only need a teeny tiny slice (with some mock cream or a great big slab of cream cheese. Underrated condensed milk is the star in this Martha Bakes pound cake that also uses the milk in the lime glaze drizzled on top.
Prosedur Memasak Condensed milk cotton cake
- Pisahkan kuning telur dan putih telur, panaskan margarin dengan api kecil hingga muncul gelembung² kecil,segera masukkan tepung, aduk hingga rata, matikan kompor, masukkan susu sambil kocok menggunakan wishk, lalu masukkan pasta ke dalam wadah yang berisi kuning telur, aduk rata.
- Mixer putih telur dengan gula pasir hingga soft peak/mengembang kaku, masukkan ke dalam adonan kuning telur menggunakan sendok/spatula.
- Aduk rata, masukkan ke dalam cetakan yang sudah dialasi kertas roti [aq pakai mangkok magic com karena gak punya loaf] panggang dengan metode Au ban marie di suhu 160° celsius selama kurang lebih 40-45 menitan.
- Cek kematangan [aq tusuk] kemudian tunggu agak dingin. Keluarkan dari cetakan.
- Siyap dech💞😋.
- Save and healty.
Put a twist on classic pound cake with an underrated pantry ingredient: sweetened condensed milk. It does double duty here: it goes into the batter and the lime glaze on top. Condensed Milk COTTON CAKE. by Tintin Rayner. Condensed Milk And Evaporated Milk Cake Recipes. Sweetened Condensed Milk Chocolate Pound Cake with Chocolate FrostingBack To My Southern Roots.